
  1. kopfschuss

    Was hört ihr gerade?

    fort minor ~ the rising tied ~ where'd you go
  2. kopfschuss

    Was hört ihr gerade?

    seeed - musik monks dank des seeed-threads hier ^^.
  3. kopfschuss

    Was hört ihr gerade?

    subway to sally - 2000 meilen unter'm meer.
  4. kopfschuss

    Was hört ihr gerade?

    weena morloch - schande
  5. kopfschuss

    The English-talking Thread!

    why do you hate it?
  6. kopfschuss

    The English-talking Thread!

    english is the language spoken all over the world. there's nothing you can change about this fact at all. and it's ain't that hard to talk or to write, really not o.O".
  7. kopfschuss

    Was hört ihr gerade?

    tokio hotel ~ rette mich {akustik version}
  8. kopfschuss


    dunkle_seele = Scherenschnitt = kopfschuss (jetzt). thread bleibt geschlossen, weil er sonst wieder unnötig zugespammt wird ;). nur, damit ihr bescheid wisst.
  9. kopfschuss

    Wie ist Eure Stimmung heute?

    hach ... supi dupi mega gut <3.
  10. kopfschuss

    Was hört ihr gerade?

    The Distillers - For Tonight You're Only Here To
  11. kopfschuss

    Was hört ihr gerade?

    linkin park - wish {nine inch nails cover / live at rock am ring 2004}
  12. kopfschuss

    The English-talking Thread!

    don't say that to me ^^ XD
  13. kopfschuss

    The English-talking Thread!

    bla bla bla :P
  14. kopfschuss

    The English-talking Thread!

    uhm, no, i wouldn't say that. he just sometimes looks a bit cuter than the others <3. but i like them all the same way, hehe ^^. goooooooooooooood morning xD.
  15. kopfschuss

    The English-talking Thread!

    ehm. yeah. i have their posters on my walls, i have every single 'single' (lool) and album, i'm going to a concert in june. well, yes, for sure i know their names ^^. #Tanja: very big 'no no'. that's not supposed to be germanys next generation. no no :no:. XD
  16. kopfschuss

    The English-talking Thread!

    omg. ya surely dunno whata reeeeeeeeeeeeeal slang means, hu? :lol:
  17. kopfschuss

    Wie ist Eure Stimmung heute?

    #chris: oh... das ist ja beschissen *knuddel*. hoffe, Dir geht's bald wieder besser. #topic: mir geht's soweit guti <3 bald ferien und derzeit ist alles ganz okay (:
  18. kopfschuss

    The English-talking Thread!

    *loooooooool* well, their clothes are pretty normal, i think. at least those from the drummer and the bass-player. but ... well, i actually don't care what they're wearing at all ^^. *lol* your english is normal. at least i understand it ^^.
  19. kopfschuss

    Für Wild Women

    allet allet feine :).
  20. kopfschuss

    Was hört ihr gerade?

    revolverheld ~ revolverheld ~ guten tag